
   Later, Jesus was sitting at a place on the Mount of Olives.
   He was alone with Peter, James, John, and Andrew. They could
   all see the temple. Those followers asked Jesus, "Tell us,
   when will these things happen? And what will show us it is
   time for these things to happen?"

                           -- Mark 13:3-4 (ERV)

We like the "Why?" and "When?" questions, don't we? We want to either
be in control or in the know. So naturally the closest followers of
Jesus want to know when this great disaster is going to take place. It
is not easy to just take the words of anyone, even the Lord of the
universe, at face value as a promise that can be trusted. Yet, Jesus
says it; and they are challenged to believe it is so. What promises
(including those with dire consequences) do you have trouble trusting
to be true? Why not share that doubt, that concern, or that worry with
the Lord.

O LORD God Almighty, I trust you in so many areas of my life. Yet I
confess that there are other things that are difficult for me to
release fully to you and take you at your word. Please bless me as I
seek to increase my faith and my trust in your promises even when I
don't have answers to my "Why?" and "When?" questions. In Jesus' name I
pray. Amen.

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