Beauty in the Broken Things

   Jesus was in Bethany. He was eating in the house of Simon the
   leper. While Jesus was there a woman came to him. The woman
   had an alabaster jar filled with very expensive perfume. This
   perfume was made of pure nard. The woman opened the jar and
   poured the perfume on Jesus' head.

                           -- Mark 14:3 (ERV)

Mark moves us from a scene of some of the worst of human motivations
against Jesus (verses 1-2) to this scene -- one of the most precious
stories of love and appreciation for Jesus we find in the Gospels. This
woman's expensive sacrifice prepares both Jesus and us for his
sacrifice which lies ahead.

O Father, may my life be a fragrant sacrifice of praise to you. In
Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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