Scolded for Love

   Some of the followers there saw this. They became upset and
   complained to each other. They said, "Why waste that perfume?
   That perfume was worth a full year's work. It could be sold
   and the money could be given to poor people." And they
   criticized the woman strongly.

                           -- Mark 14:4-5 (ERV)

Isn't it sadly strange that people so often criticize the gifts others
make? I'm not sure if it is jealousy, greed, or pure pettiness that
makes humans so quick to be critical of other's generosity. However,
God loves a cheerful and generous giver. Part of the reason is that we
are most like God when we give generously and joyously. If only we were
as generous with our giving as we are with our criticism!

Loving God and Almighty Father in heaven, please use me as a conduit of
your love, mercy, and grace. I want to have a heart that is generous
with others even if those around me cannot understand that generosity.
Thank you for being so generous with me. May I never hoard your
blessings, but always be quick to share them in ways that bring you
joy. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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