One of You!

    In the evening, Jesus went to that house with the twelve
    apostles. While they were all at the table eating, Jesus
    said, "I tell you the truth. One of you will be against
    me--one of you eating with me now."

                            -- Mark 14:17-18 (ERV)

Ouch! Imagine how it hurt the followers of Jesus to hear these words!
Imagine how much more it hurt Jesus to have to say this about one of
his closest friends and followers. Betrayal by a friend hurts worse and
wounds us most grievously. But, when we are heartbroken because of the
faithlessness of a friend (or even a spouse), we can go to the Lord and
know that he cares and that hears us. He's been down this road himself.
While I am sorry that he had to go through this, I'm comforted in those
moments of betrayal since the Lord knows, cares, and is present with me
through my loneliest times.

O Father, be near. O Jesus, please draw close to you. O Spirit, fill me
with your presence. I cannot exist without the constant assurance of
your presence in my life. In Jesus' name I ask it. Amen.

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