Couldn't You Watch with Me?

   Then Jesus went back to his followers. He found them
   sleeping. He said to Peter, "Simon, why are you sleeping? You
   could not stay awake with me for one hour?"

                           -- Mark 14:37 (ERV)

How this must have hurt the Lord. My heart breaks for Jesus as he
endures this time in the Garden. He knows he is going to the Cross. He
knows Judas will betray him. He knows his closest followers will
abandon him. He knows that Peter will deny him. He knows the other ten
will run away and leave him alone. He knows that he will be ridiculed
and mocked. Now, he has to know all of those things and still not have
anyone care for him enough to pray with him an hour. I'm so thankful
that the Lord knows what it feels like to be forsaken and let down by
those closest to you. I'm also so very sad for him. Let's pray and work
to never let him down like this ever again.

O Father, I am so sorry! Please, dear Lord, make me stronger and more
courageous. Don't ever let me outlive my love for you. In Jesus' name.

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