Pulling the Sword

   One of the followers standing near Jesus grabbed his sword
   and pulled it out. This follower hit the servant of the high
   priest with the sword and cut off his ear.

                           -- Mark 14:47 (ERV)

Peter and the apostles had all agreed that they would die with Jesus if
necessary. Yet their thoughts seemed locked into a wrong way to view
their Lord as Messiah. Apparently they thought he would be a military
and political deliverer. So in what seems like an attempt to start the
battle of deliverance, one of them draws a sword and begins the fight.
He surely is thinking that this Jesus he has seen raise the dead, heal
the sick, restore sight to the blind, mend the limbs of the lame, open
the ears of the deaf, and give perfect skin to the leprous would also
use his power for victory over a band of soldiers. So in an act of
faith, defiance, and hope, the sword is drawn and the attack is begun.
It is aimed at the house of those behind this whole evil scheme -- the
high priest and his gang of Sadducean thugs. While totally misguided, I
can't help but admire the courage and the passion behind the action.
Unfortunately, when Jesus refuses to be that kind of Messiah, all of
Jesus' followers desert him. Ignorance of the Lord's will is not bliss,
but disaster. Passion is good, but if it is misguided, it is also
dangerous. Our hearts need to be tuned to the Savior or else we will
miss his direction and find ourselves embarrassed and defeated.

O LORD God, Ruler of Heaven and Earth, teach me to know your ways and
walk in your will. May I live with passion, but may that passion always
be expressed in the direction of your will. May I live with courage;
but may that courage be demonstrated in righteous actions. Search me, O
God, and correct anything wrong in me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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