Why Not in the Temple?

   Every day I was with you teaching in the temple area. You did
   not arrest me there. But all these things have happened so
   that it will be like the Scriptures said."

                           -- Mark 14:49 (ERV)

Just as Jesus used a question in the previous verse to confront his
accusers about their injustice, he confronts their fear and treachery
in this verse. They come to arrest him at night in the place of prayer
away from the crowds. They feared the crowds who were loyal to Jesus.
They feared the people because they believed in him. So rather than
conducting their "arrest" of Jesus of Nazareth in the daytime, they
slither through the darkened streets to a place they can arrest him
without being seen by the crowds. However, Jesus wants to make clear
that their treacherous schemes work only because he allows them to
work: he is determined to honor his Father's will and fulfill what the
Scriptures had said about him. Jesus will be arrested, brutalized, and
murdered by these people. However, their evil deeds happen only because
he offers himself for our sins, not because they have power over him.

Father, for your Son's faith, obedience, and sacrifice, I give you
thanks. May his example motivate me to be faithful no matter what
circumstances I find myself facing. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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