The Humiliation Begins in Earnest

   Pilate's soldiers brought Jesus into the governor's palace
   (called the Praetorium). They called all the other soldiers
   together. The soldiers put a purple robe on Jesus. Then they
   used thorny weeds to make a crown. They put the crown of
   thorns on Jesus' head. Then they called to Jesus. They said,
   "Hello, king of the Jews!" The soldiers hit Jesus on the head
   many times with a stick. They also spit on him. Then {they
   teased Jesus by} bowing on their knees and worshiping him.
   After they finished teasing Jesus, the soldiers took off the
   purple robe and put his own clothes on him again. Then they
   led Jesus out of the palace to be killed on a cross.

                           -- Mark 15:16-20 (ERV)

The purpose of crucifixion wasn't just to kill a criminal. It was also
to serve as a deterrent to crime by utterly humiliating the person who
was to be crucified. So once Pilate signals that Jesus will be
crucified, the humiliation begins in earnest. Not only will Jesus be
killed on a cross, he will be humiliated every step of the way. He had
warned his closest followers that this would happen. He knows what is
coming. He faces it because it is God's will and the basis of our
salvation. How can we not be willing to face embarrassment, ridicule,
and even persecution for him?

O Father, help me to never be ashamed of Jesus. After what he endured
for me, I want to faithfully stand by him and to courageously stand up
for him. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and with genuine courage to honor
you and your Son, no matter the cost. In Jesus' name I ask this. Amen.

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