Our Place of Hope

   There was a man from Cyrene walking into the city. The man
   was Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus. Simon was
   walking into the city from the fields. The soldiers forced
   Simon to carry the cross for Jesus.
   They led Jesus to the place called Golgotha. (Golgotha means
   "The Place of the Skull.") At Golgotha the soldiers tried to
   give Jesus wine to drink. This wine was mixed with myrrh. But
   Jesus refused to drink it. The soldiers nailed Jesus to a
   cross. Then the soldiers divided Jesus' clothes among
   themselves. They gambled with dice to decide which clothes
   each soldier would get.

                           -- Mark 15:21-24 (ERV)


While Simon was forced to physically carry Jesus' cross to
he also picked up the Cross spiritually because his sons, Alexander & Rufus,
are known in the Christian community Mark is addressing. Paul also
seems to know one of the sons, Rufus, and Paul describes him as one
"whom the Lord picked out to be his very own." (Rom. 16:13 NLT)
The Cross was a Roman tool of torture, shame, and humiliation. The
cross that awaited Jesus was on Skull Hill. Not only did the hill look
somewhat like a skull, but it was also a place of death, mockery, and
pain. In this instance, however, it was also a place of redemption,
forgiveness, and hope because of Jesus. What begins here in horror and
inhumanity, ends in victory and grace.

Holy and loving God, please help me to be humbled and touched by the
Cross of Christ. In addition, dear Father, help me to remember the
grace, power, and victory that are mine because of that Cross. In
Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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