Ridiculed by Everyone!

   "If he is really the Christ, the king of Israel (the Jews),
   then he should {save himself by} coming down from the cross
   now. We will see this, and then we will believe in him." The
   robbers that were being killed on the crosses beside Jesus
   also said bad things to him.

                           -- Mark 15:32 (ERV)

Jesus is ridiculed by everyone present through his Passion -- the
crowds cried "Crucify him!" before Pilate, the soldiers beat and mocked
him, people who passed by hurled their insults at him, the religious
leaders mocked him, and even the criminals who were dying beside him
threw in their own ridicule of him. Jesus faced the cruelty and the
humiliation of the cross alone. His own closest followers had betrayed,
denied, and abandoned him. He does it, dear friend, so you and I can
have the confidence that he will never abandon us -- even if everyone
we hold dear abandons us and those who hate us hurl insults at us.
Jesus demonstrates he will pay any price to love us. What a friend!
What a King! What a Savior!

Father, thank you for the assurance that I will never be alone,
abandoned, or forgotten. No matter what others may do to me, I believe
that you are never going to forsake me or leave me. Thank you! In
Jesus' name. Amen.

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