The Faithful Women

   Some women were standing away from the cross, watching. Some
   of these women were Mary from the town of Magdala, Salome,
   and Mary the mother of James and Joses. (James was her
   youngest son.) These were the women that followed Jesus in
   Galilee and cared for him. Many other women were also there.
   These women had come with Jesus to Jerusalem.

                           -- Mark 15:40-41 (ERV)

The people of God have been blessed and often sustained by the
courageous faithfulness of godly women. While the men who were closest
to Jesus betrayed, denied, and abandoned him, the women were different.
They followed him as he passed through the streets going to Golgotha,
were present at the Cross, met him at the empty tomb, and were present
in the upper room at Pentecost. Let's never underestimate or devalue
the importance of godly women. Jesus never did!

O Father, thank you for the godly women in my life that shaped my
faith, taught me your truth, served those in my family, and were
examples of courage and faith to me. Use me to encourage women of faith
and to affirm their importance to your Kingdom. In Jesus' name I pray.

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