Dear Rehab,
this is due to two things:
    * the default value for --overhead-wire.solver is true
    * in that case the energy computation will make use of the external
      Eigen library (a fallback solution for --overhead-wire.solver false 
      is provided)
What does not work is activating the solver when you don't have the library 
for it. Many external libraries with differing licenses have been packaged 
into a separate "extra" release. When you build SUMO yourself, you have to 
make sure they have been found. If you download precompiled Windows 
binaries <> , be sure to 
choose the "extra" version.
Best regards
Betreff: [sumo-user] Error with electric hybrid and overhead wires
Datum: 2024-03-19T18:11:06+0100
Von: "Rehab Shahin via sumo-user" <>
An: "" <>
Hi all,

I was doing some experiments using the electric hybrid and overhead wires. 
I tried the test scenario in: $SUMO_HOME
\tests\sumo\devices\elechybrid\elechybrid_2 but 
I'm getting weird behavior. First, I received the following runtime error 
when I ran the scenario using SUMO gui (but the simulation runs 
successfully and I can see the wires changing colors)

Error: Overhead wire solver is on, but the Eigen library has not been 
compiled in!
and the simulation output files (the traction substation output, overhead 
wires output) indicates that energy charged is always 0,  although the 
pre-generated output that comes with the test indicates non zero values for 
the mentioned output files.
Am I missing something? I am using version 1.19.0
Rehab Shahin
Research Engineer ‑ Transport Modelling and Simulation <>
+44(0) 20 3514 1170      |      +1 (929) 265‑5193
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