Apparently I'm the only one on the planet that can consistently recreate this problem and have been able to do so for some years now. I probably emailed this group 2 years ago with the same problem and I think I just gave up hoping the problem would get fixed. It has only gotten worse.

We have two offices.

In the one office Firefox with recent versions of Flash works fine on SunRay servers In the other office Firefox with recent versions of Flash works but with problems on SunRay servers.

I used to have the problem where normal flash animations worked. If I went to Youtube or any other site with flash videos, Firefox would become unresponsive for anywhere between 30 seconds to 5 minutes. Generally it lasts for a minute or so. If I didn't have 30 users telling me about it everytime it happens I could live with it.

That was with flash_player_9_solaris_r47_x86 and prior.

Now with versions later than flash_player_9_solaris_r47_x86 all flash animations regardless of how complex they are or whether or not they have video, make the browser hang.

Only difference between the two server setups is the one office has local access over the LAN to the ldap server, and the other office with flash problems accesses the ldap server over an MPLS VPN.

I think when I last tried to report this I was told ldap couldn't have any thing to do with this, which leaves SunRay software?

I'm in the office with flash sunray problems. In this same office I have 7 Ultra 20 machines that don't use LDAP for authentication and obviously don't have any SunRay software installed and they can run the latest flash_player_10_solaris_r32_18_x86 with no problems.

The affected systems are running Sun Ray Server Software Version 4.0 and Solaris 10 8/07 s10x_u4wos_12b X86.

I would rebuild the servers with SRSS 4.1 and Solaris 10 5/09 s10x_u7wos_08 X86 but I've rebuilt my servers twice with previous latest versions of Solaris and SRSS now. Neither of those rebuilds made the problem go away.

When I last rebuilt my servers I tested Flash before installing SRSS and LDAP auth and Flash worked fine. So in my mind it's gotta be SRSS or LDAP or both in tandem. I'm no software engineer though :)


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