I eventually followed the method described in:


Works fine.


On 14/12/2009, at 2:04 PM, Benjamin Smith wrote:

> Nginx runs as a deamon by default without any arguments IIRC.  I don't
> think you want to manage it with supervisord.  If so you might want to
> figure out the option to make it run in the foreground(I would look it
> up, but I'm not by a fully operational computer).
> Typically you would want to manage with with an init script.  If you
> installed it from your distributions repository, I'd imagine it
> installed one for you.
> On 12/13/09, Mark Jarecki <mjare...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> just another question. How do I configure the supervisord.conf file to
>> enable the control of Nginx?
>> Killing Nginx is typically:
>> sudo kill -INT `cat /var/run/nginx.pid`
>> The Nginx section in my supervisord.conf is:
>> [program:nginx]
>> command=sudo /usr/local/sbin/nginx
>> stopsignal=INT
>> user=someuser
>> This does nothing but generate errors when I run:
>> sudo supervisorctl stop nginx
>> The error:
>> FAILED: unknown problem killing nginx (163):Traceback (most recent call
>> last):
>>  File
>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/supervisor-3.0a7-py2.6.egg/supervisor/process.py",
>> line 383, in kill
>>    options.kill(self.pid, sig)
>>  File
>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/supervisor-3.0a7-py2.6.egg/supervisor/options.py",
>> line 1064, in kill
>>    os.kill(pid, signal)
>> OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted
>> Then when i run sudo supervisorctl status, I get:
>> nginx                            UNKNOWN
>> If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be greatly
>> appreciated.
>> Cheers,
>> Mark
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> -- 
> Sent from my mobile device
> Benjamin Smith
> http://just-another.net
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