The only preference changed was the autohide one. Probably needs a restart:

Why did it change? I always needed to turn it on for testing tab behaviour in new profiles which did go on my nerves :) Personal preference too so I used the developer power of grayskull after consulting with IanN to change the default. Switch it back once and it will stick to whatever you set it.

Toolbar and tab options in mail changed a bit but nothing should break. If you find a breaking change please file a bug.


Ant wrote:
Weird. I also noticed my web browser' tab still showed even when there's one was opened when I told SM to "hide the tab bar when only one tab is open" in its Preferences' Browser category -> Tabbed Browsing years ago. Why did it get (uncheck/resett)ed? I saw this in three different computers' OSes (64-bit W7 HPE SP1, mac OS Mojave v10.14.6, and Debian Jessie v8). :(

On 7/7/2020 11:49 AM, Ant wrote:
I see this is new. Is there a way to turn it of1f? I couldn't find its option. I don't use tabs in them, only web browsers.

Thank you for reading and hopefully answering. :)-
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