David Woolley wrote:

Why are you using an Italian localised Pidgin if you do not understand Italian? In any case, knowing the exact error message makes it much easier to trace the exact part of the source code that is generating it. Whilst the actual messages in the code are in English, there are .po files distributed with the code which allow you or someone trying to support you, to match the localised error message with its canonical form, but to search those easily, one needs the exact localised error message.

Looking at the message, it appears to me that this is coming from Windows, not from Pidgin, and indicates that Windows is unable to open the primary executable file, presumably when launching it.

Title bar: C:\Program Files\Pidgin\pidgin.exe
White cross on red circle icon.
Text: Impossibile accedere al dispositivo, al percorso o al file specificato. È probabile che non si disponga delle autorizzazioni necessarie.

A search on the text tends to confirm that this is a message from Windows.

If this is an office machine I would check with your IT department. Otherwise, maybe your anti-virus program has taken exception to Pidgin.

David Woolley
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