On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 10:30 AM, Dave Haskel <dave.has...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm having this issue while using Pidgin on a server running Openfire Spark.
> Everything works, but other users complain that I disconnect and reconnect
> randomly. I don't notice this behavior at all, but they say they see this in
> their chat windows:
> *** Dave Haskel is online at 10:17 AM
> *** Dave Haskel is online at 10:19 AM
> I have disabled all of the plugins except for Autoaccept, History, Expand
> URLS, and Psychic mode
> Any ideas?

If you have the debug window (Help->Debug Window) open at the time the
disconnection occurs, the log should be helpful in understanding
what's going on.


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