On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 6:49 PM,  <lowwa...@tormail.org> wrote:
> Dear pidgin support,
> I just installed pidgin over Firefox 10.0.10 on a Windows 7 desktop.  Now
> I’m lost regarding the three tabs in Modify Account.  Under "Basic" tab:
>         Domain:  pidgin.im
>         Resource:  <blank>
>         Local Alias:  <blank>
> Under tabs, “Advanced” and “Proxy” I made no modifications.
> I have no other IM software using the XMPP Protocol.  I receive the message:
> lowwa...@pidgin.im/ disabled
> Not Authorized

What this is saying is that your username/password is incorrect on the
server you're trying to connect to.

Since pidgin.im doesn't operate a public XMPP server, I suspect that
is the primary problem - you need to specify the appropriate domain
for the account that you want to connect to.


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