On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Mike Van Pelt <m...@calweb.com> wrote:
> I need some more emphatic notifications of new messages in a minimized or
> background Pidgin.  Current notifications flash the icon a few times, then
> give up.  I need a notification that can not be missed, and can only be
> ignored by deliberate decision to ignore it.
> I've searched the mailing list, pidgin.im wiki, and help files, and haven't
> found anything that does this.
> I already have the "Message Notification" plugin enabled, with "Raise
> conversation window" and "Present conversation window" checked.  It doesn't
> do what those words seem to say.  I also have "New messages" checked on the
> "Libnotify popups" plugin.  New messages arrive in existing chats, new chats
> start from people desperately trying to get my attention, but the Pidgin
> window stays hidden behind my web browser.
> I'm running Pidgin 2.10.6 on Windows 7.

A more intrusive notification plugin is something that could certainly
be written, but I'm not aware of one offhand.

I guess I don't tend to miss IMs, and I haven't personally seen the
need for such a thing.

With the Message Notification plugin set to Flash the window, and the
notification removal set to "Remove when conversation window receives
click", the window will flash a few times and then remain highlighted
until I acknowledge it.


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