On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 5:28 PM, Evelyn Johnson <ejohn...@wasa-oly.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently running Pidgin on Windows 7 (recently upgraded).  I have a
> buddy that  when messages are sent to me from him, they look like this?
> OTR:AAIDAAAAAAIAAAACAAAAwKe6AGERrOap9/9IS4z/dQt6QW+gQwxrhsCoIas7M0sObW9OBvUFCLzaCrMorhzAtAna3kjLfrA818Ee0FhCtfFaTqbOpIcA4imtxGMr+zZee9cTJ70DWS6IfKXllzgFY8dzJF3MdGrz2BNeQaAzKq1jyO6rzhDkZLg/DWMciznSYO+DqxNofba9DkmFof1Tv5tEurTzwPLkWo4rTrMXZxH37s39D4XaoC1uSwaJjTcmXdVqzI9DSPbxMA8TS/N4VAAAAAAAAAAGAAAANYBkEdP18lbBnZ+9s3fwOg+yULePev0oj/itwkcEjOkY02Qit1k7ukyC3urVRPR6uUZrdXWQnwmsgvlvEAesdOcFftNe8izRO0sAAAAA.
> My other buddies work fine.  Can you tell me how to fix the problem?
> Thanks, Eve

Your buddy is using OTR (http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/) to send you
an encrypted message.
One likely cause is that you previously had the plugin installed and
don't currently, another is some sort of misconfiguration on your
buddy's client.


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