On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Germano, Justin
<justin.germ...@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca> wrote:
> Hello
>  We are looking to automate Pidgin installation for approximately 250 users  
> in a Windows based environment. We are using an opensource XMPP server  which 
> is working without any issues.
>  We would like to automate the installation as such where it already  
> specifies the XMPP server that we use, and it prompts our users to login  
> with the credentials we have provided to them.
>  I was wondering what would need to be done for the XMPP server to be  
> automatically specified on installation? Is this possible?
>  Please let me know when you have a moment. Thanks.

Did you check out https://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/1910?

This isn't something that the installer can/should do - the
configuration in Pidgin is tied to the user account on the OS, so i t
isn't something that the installer would be able to do (presumably the
installer wouldn't run as the end user who is going to actually run

The ticket linked to above has an example perl script that you could
customize / rewrite and attach to either a pidgin startup script or to
a user login process to create an account within Pidgin for you.


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