On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 1:27 PM,  <kevin.ha...@schneider-electric.com> wrote:
> To whom it may concern,
>         I have been using Pidgin now for many years and really like this 
> program.  Most recently,
> I moved from XP to Windows 7 and began having problems with my windows not 
> maximizing
> correctly.  After some google research, I found that Pidgin was causing this 
> issue
> (http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-desktop/window-is-maximized-but-not-to-full-screen-size/01a8300c-01b3-4fb2-bbeb-f396ef81c4b3?page=1)
>         It would be great if this could be resolved with a software update in 
> the near future.

It sounds like you've enabled the Dockable Buddy List feature (it
isn't enabled by default) and it's either misbehaving or causing
unexpected behavior for you.
You can disable it accessing the Tools->Plugins menu from the buddy
list, then Configuring the Windows Pidgin Options plugin to disable
the Dockable Buddy List.


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