On 14/11/14 07:19, Chris von Gutschi wrote:
I've been trying now for two days to connect to Pidgin - but it doesn't
work. It just loads and loads and nothing happens. I've never had issues
before and I even have the latest update of it. Anything I can do? Or is
this something the administration of Pidgin is working on?

Pidgin is something you use to connect, not something that you connect to. Also there is no "administration" of Pidgin; it is community supported open source software.

As MSN has been refusing to accept connections from Pidgin recently, I suspect you mean you are unable to connect to MSN. Please see <https://pidgin.im/pipermail/support/2014-November/028325.html>, but note that Pidgin has never been officially permitted as a client and MSN could finally close any day now.

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