On 25/11/14 01:29, SathishKumar Moorthy wrote:
Hi Support,

There is no support contact centre for pidgin. This is a self help mailing list for users.

I have forget my password for my pidgin. I can recover my password
through registered mail  but my mail also corrupted.

Pidgin is a client and doesn't need a password, except to pass on to the service that it is being used to access. Any password you have lost is for that, so far un-named, service. The special thing about Pidgin is it supports many services, both publicly and privately run, so we have no idea what that service is.

See <https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Using%20Pidgin#IforgotmypasswordhowdoIchangeit>

Hence I can't get new password through mail. So I would request you to
reset my password and update through thid mail id,

No-one on this list has your password, or at least the ability to reset it. Only the service provider has that, you haven't told us who that is, and, in any case, no-one here will have any control over them.

my pidgin id is: bbsathish

This is of little use without the name of the service, and is only of use to the operators of that service. All it tells us is that the protocol used, by the service, doesn't require an @ in user names.

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This is a public mailing list archived by many different organisations. Anything posted here becomes public domain knowledge and there is no realistic way of undoing this.

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