On 10/04/17 14:13, David Balažic wrote:
Cut out the middleman, design a decentralised service, lose a possible point of 
failure. ;-)

Decentralisation can be a problem. SMTP mail is designed to be decentralised, but anyone attempting to use it in that way, these days, is likely to fall foul of spam filters that that want email to come from a limited number of mail hubs that are trusted to vet their users.

(Actually, in my view, SMTP was the original IM protocol, however, it bloated, both in terms of meta data, and also in the need to construct emails as formal business letters.)

Similarly for SIP. Whilst it can do point to point normal users will not accept incoming traffic from anyone but there ITSP. (SIP is actually a decentralised IM protocol, as well.)

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