Hi Marc,

Which mobile client is that that you're using?  Is cringeguy your XMPP JID
or is it your friend's who's trying to talk to you?

>From what I can see, it looks like Pidgin is starting an OTR converstaion,
which you're then trying to continue on a mobile device that either doesn't
support OTR or doesn't understand that OTR conversations could be started
from another device (eg due to message carbons)


On Thu, 27 Dec 2018 at 13:23, MarcDoylemd <marcdoyl...@protonmail.com>

> Hello! I am using pidgin client for the first time, and I added OTR plugin
> to it. This error is shown on mobile jabber client, which I also using. OTR
> must work, but it doesn't. What should I do?
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