Hello. I am using the latest version of pidgin
iq was normally connected before
but the last week does not connect and writes
An unexpected response was received from 
https://api.login.icq.net/auth/clientLogin: Ratelimit
c icq everything is fine. This is a problem in your program or its connection 
to icq
Could you check why pidgin doesn't connect?

icq support asked me
1) what ICQ client do you use (mobile Android client or
for iOs or a client for a laptop or desktop computer for Windows
MacOs or Linux)

but I use pidgin, so how do I answer them?
they will not advise me on your program issues !!!
please help !!!

>Воскресенье, 31 марта 2019, 0:40 +05:00 от David Woolley 
>Pidgin is simply repeating the message that icq.net sent.
>On 30/03/2019 18:24, aleksei karpov wrote:
>> but I turn off and wait anyway the error repeats itself. you do not know 
>> what it is? as iqq operators will tell me if i use a third-party 
>> program. ie your pidgin. they will tell me to use the icq program. 
>> understand?
>>     Суббота, 30 марта 2019, 23:18 +05:00 от David Woolley
>>     < for...@david-woolley.me.uk >:
>>     On 30/03/2019 17:40, aleksei karpov wrote:
>>      > An unexpected response was received from
>>      >  https://api.login.icq.net/auth/clientLogin : Ratelimit
>>      >
>>      > what does it mean help please?
>>      >
>>     You will need to ask icq.net's operators, but rate limiting generally
>>     means that there have been excessive numbers of attempts to do
>>     something, and a proportion of those are being rejected without
>>     attempting to process them further than an immediate rejection.
>> -- 
>> aleksei karpov
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