Eugene Grosbein  wrote:
> Why don't you use any free nearby IRC server?

That's an interesting idea. My first reaction was "I'm not sure my wife would 
like it", but I suppose thru Pidgin it won't "feel" any different to her. I'm 
certainly fine with IRC (I used The Relay on BITNET in the early 80s, from 
which IRC is evolved, so I have a wee bit of history there).

I will look into that! Any suggestions for a public server that seems stable 
(both in terms of RAS and not going away next week because someone changed jobs 
or whatever)?

BTW, Eion, your mention of SMS was attractive--I'd get ONE interface on my 
end--but looking at the plugins page, it doesn't appear to be available for 
Windows. Or am I missing something (as usual)?


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