When I paste text into Pidgin, some spaces in the text are doubled.

For example:

Copying the following text from 

The rich by far pay more in the total taxes collected that the middle and lower 
classes, even if the tax rates are off. This is because they earn more of their 
income through things like stock (which is taxed differently than regular 
income). There are many reasons for this, and they are not loopholes: Tax 
income is treated like investment income because it is subject to risk.

And pasting it into Pidgin produces the following text:

The rich by far pay more in the total taxes collected that the middle  and 
lower classes, even if the tax rates are off.  This is because they  earn more 
of their income through things like stock (which is taxed  differently than 
regular income).   There are many reasons for this, and  they are not 
loopholes:  Tax income is treated like investment income  because it is subject 
to risk.

Note the extra spaces between the words "middle" and "and", "they" and "earn", "taxed" 
and "differently", and so on.

When I view the source of the web page, the extra spaces are not present:

        <div class="commentBody">
                <div id="comment_body_59279246"><p>The rich by far pay more in the total taxes collected that the 
middle and lower classes, even if the tax rates are off.  This is because they earn more of their income through things like stock (which 
is taxed differently than regular income).   There are many reasons for this, and they are not loopholes:  Tax income is treated like 
investment income because it is subject to risk.</p><p>The fight over tax rate fairness is a misguided effort to raise anger 
at the rich when in fact they already pay disproportionately a large share of the total tax revenue.</p><p>Note also that in 
the US, the middle and lower classes pay lower tax rates and total tax dollars than similar classes in European countries (where the 
social safety nets in terms of social security, health care, etc, are much higher).   If we are talking about Medicare for All, that 
won't be paid for by increasing taxes on the rich.  Instead, we'd most likely be looking at tax rates in France or Scandinavia where they 
effective tax rates are around 40%.   Let's see how popular that messaging is.</p></div>

This problem happens consistently.

Looks like a bug to me.
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