"John Barry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all:Does antone out there in SurvPc-land know where I can get a copy of
the boot-disks
> and operating system{presumably MSDOS-3x}for a Sanyo 16LT--it has an
> 8088 processor,no Hdd, and floppys A&B.

Back in the early 1980's, I sold various consumer electronics products,
including the Sanyo line. I always hoped I'd get a good deal on the Sanyo
MBC555, the "Silver Fox" PC they produced for a while back then.

I can't find anything on a 16LT model, but the page at
http://www.digidome.nl/sanyo.htm does have a picture of an MBC16. Does that
look like your beast?

Everything I've found on the older Sanyo 8088 machines indicates they'll run
MS-DOS 2.11. And many also run CP/M as well. You might try locating as old a
version of MS DOS as you can, and just see how it does. Be aware that many
"DOS standard" can't run a lot of "DOS standard" software, especially
anything involving graphics. You may just have to try various programs and
see what happens (the old "Lotus 1-2-3 and FlightSim" benchmark).

Good luck!

- Bob

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