Definitely a welcome change from me (+1). But this proposal makes me curious 
about the impact on the `AnyObject` protocol?

let string = "foo"
let nsString = string as AnyObject
nsString.dynamicType // _NSCFConstantString.Type
NSString().dynamicType // __NSCFConstantString.Type // there are two different 

This sample won’t bridge anymore if SE-0083 will be accepted. Can we also drop 
the @objc from `AnyObject` protocol and leave it as an implicit protocol for 
classes? (Personally I’d rename `AnyObject` to `AnyReference` if Swift will 
introduce other reference types.)

This change might allow the replacement of the `class` keyword from protocols 
with the implicit `AnyObject` protocol, which can be discussed in this thread: 
Should we rename "class" when referring to protocol conformance?

One more thing I’d like to ask: is there any possibility of adding a new 
`bridge` keyword, which would allow explicit bridging to a different language 
type (ObjC, etc. if there are any more languages we can bridge to [C or maybe 
one day C++])?

T `bridge` U
T? `bridge` U?

Wouldn’t this move the bridging mechanism to its own area?

The ugly NSError pattern could be rewritten and migrated to:

do {
   try something()
} catch let error {
   handle(error `bridge` NSError)

Is such a change complicated, what do you think?

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 4. Mai 2016 bei 01:50:54, Joe Groff via swift-evolution 
( schrieb:

Thanks everyone for the initial round of feedback. I've submitted a draft 

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