On 7 Jun, 2016, at 09:47, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution 
<swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> I disagree. We are discussing how to annotate a function in some way so that 
>> the compiler knows that the code following it will never be executed *and* 
>> so a human who reads the declaration knows that it does not return. “Never" 
>> is a poor choice for that. Never what? Never return? Never use this 
>> function? Never say never again? 
> "Never return". That's why it's in the return type slot, right after the 
> `->`. If you read it out loud, you'll read "returns Never", which is exactly 
> correct.

A return type makes a lot of sense linguistically but does not cover all 
practical cases because you might not be the one deciding what the function's 
signature is. For example, you might implement a protocol method that is 
non-optional, but you never expect to be called. The only way to indicate that 
to the compiler is with an attribute.

> NoReturn, on the other hand, does *not* read well in that slot: "returns 
> NoReturn". Huh? I mean, I suppose you won't misunderstand it, but it makes no 
> sense whatsoever *as a type name*.
>> If you want bottom types for other uses, give them their own appropriate and 
>> self documenting names. 
> The problem is, types flow through the type system. Use a NoReturn method 
> with optional chaining, now you have an Optional<NoReturn>. flatMap over that 
> Optional<NoReturn>, now you have a parameter of type NoReturn. What's a 
> *parameter* of type NoReturn? You'd want it to be, say, a different bottom 
> type named NoPass, but you can't—the type came from a NoReturn, and it's 
> stuck being a NoReturn.
> Never works pretty well—honestly, surprisingly well—in all of these contexts. 
> The method returns Never, so optional chaining gives you an Optional<Never>, 
> so flatMap has a Never parameter. I have yet to discover a case where it 
> isn't easily interpreted to mean exactly what it really does mean.
> -- 
> Brent Royal-Gordon
> Architechies
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