> On Jul 29, 2016, at 6:22 PM, Jacob Bandes-Storch via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> We've discussed forums on swift-evolution before. Maybe it's time for another 
> go, with Swift 3 winding down.
> For context, prior discussions are on this thread: 
> https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20151207/001537.html
>   (-1 for mailman: it's hard for me to even properly find & link to all the 
> prior discussion about mailing lists, because of how mailman's archive 
> works...)
> News in the last few days is that Gmane is at least temporarily disappearing: 
> https://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/2016/07/28/the-end-of-gmane/comment-page-1/#comment-13502
> I'd just like to vote once again for Discourse:
> - Excellent web interface, from the people who brought you Stack Overflow  
> (built-in search, etc.)
> - Read via email if that's your thing: it has "mailing list mode" which 
> includes 1-email-per-post, if that's your cup of tea
> - Reply via email if that's your thing
> - It's open source itself
> - I believe it has ways of getting content as JSON and/or RSS, so I'd hardly 
> say "can be adapted into other forms" is an exclusive feature of email.
> And, Discourse provides free hosting for community-friendly open-source 
> projects. I strongly suspect Swift would qualify for this.
> There have been several people on this list arguing in favor of mailing lists 
> — I encourage folks to go read the old thread for themselves.
> It's worth noting there are also plenty of voices that don't get heard on 
> this list, because people just don't like using mailing lists. One example: 
> https://twitter.com/pilky/status/755105431555608580 

I don't think enough has been said in favor of mailing lists. Some advantages 
for them:

1. Available on every platform.

2. Performant on every platform. (Discourse, for instance, struggles on 

3. Native on every platform.

4. Based on open standards with multiple implementations.

5. Does not require you to proactively check swift-evolution.

6. Supports offline reading and drafting.

7. Supports clients with alternate feature sets.

8. Supports bot clients for both sending (like the CI bot) and receiving (like 

9. Supports user-specific automatic filtering.

10. Users can privately annotate messages.

11. Drafts and private messages are not visible to any central administrator.

12. History is stored in a distributed fashion; there is no single point of 
failure that could wipe out swift-evolution's history.

13. Usually the medium of choice for large-scale, long-running open source 

I could probably go on, but I'll stop here for now.

I would love to have a great web archive for swift-evolution—something with a 
really solid search function, good threading, and most of the other niceties of 
forums. It'd even be nice to have an upvote feature. But these are all things 
that you could do without taking swift-evolution off of email.

Brent Royal-Gordon

swift-evolution mailing list

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