> On 2 Feb 2017, at 02:29, Jordan Rose via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> For people who would suggest that Swift actually take unsigned integers 
> seriously instead of using ‘Int’ everywhere, I sympathize, but I think that 
> ship has sailed—not with us, but with all the existing UIKit code that uses 
> NSInteger for counters. Consistently importing NSUInteger as UInt would be a 
> massive source-break in Swift 4 that just wouldn’t be worth it. Given that, 
> is it better to more closely model what’s in user headers, or to have 
> consistency between user and system headers?

I’ve always considered our handling of signed/unsigned numbers a huge 
deficiency of Swift.

I appreciate that NSNotFound makes things difficult, but at the same time, 
eliminating these sentinel values is one of the big benefits for Obj-C 
developers of moving to Swift. It’s a bit disheartening that Apple’s own 
frameworks can’t use that. I wonder if the better answer wouldn’t be to 
introduce an analogue of Optional<NSUInteger> to Objective-C and supplement the 
signed-with-sentinel methods with optional-unsigned ones, which we would prefer 
when importing. 3rd-party code could migrate to that new type so that they can 
be imported in to Swift without sentinels.

That could cause source-breakage for Swift code, but I remember that members of 
the core-team have said several times that they would like some kind of safe 
mixed-type arithmetic and comparison to become part of the language one day. I 
feel that that is ultimately the better way to go in the long-run. I’ve always 
found it strange that Swift often promotes safety over convenience (e.g. 
exhaustive switches, trapping on overflow), but then in this one case takes the 
exact opposite approach.

Since I’m on the subject, I’d also support Array<T>’s index becoming a UInt and 
all of its index-related methods becoming generic to take any kind of integer. 
Or, to put it another way, if we could make Array.Index == Any<IntegerProtocol> 
(an existential), so you could feed indexes in and pull them out in whichever 
integer type you need — after all, the exact type of the index is not 
necessarily fundamental to what an Array represents; all that matters is that 
it’s elements have a contiguous space of integrally-advancing offsets.

- Karl
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