> Allowing the omission of a default case in an exhaustive switch makes the 
> addition of a new case to the enum a breaking change. 
Depending on the context, even with a default the change might be breaking — 
but without giving notice to the framework client!
Additionally, it would feel very strange for me to have a default clause for 
bool-like enums* or other examples where there can't be any additional cases.

When there are two types of enums, the proposal makes sense for the 
"open"-ones; but I'm not sure if I like the concept of having two kinds of enum.

- Tino

* tiny anecdote: I actually have seen the equivalent of this

func reallyExhaustive(input: Bool) {
        if input == true {
        } else if input != true {
                print ("not true")
        } else {
                print("just to be save")

in the wild… but I don't remember the comment I wrote ;-)
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