> On Apr 13, 2017, at 4:48 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You say "this is the example set by `print`", but I don't think anything else 
> actually *follows* that example. No other I/O operation in Swift behaves this 
> way.
> To be more accurate, it's not `print` that specifies this behavior, but 
> rather the standard output stream's implementation of 
> `TextOutputStream.write(_:)`. Swift *explicitly* leaves this choice up to the 
> TextOutputStream-conforming type. That is, the behavior is up to the receiver 
> and not the argument of a call to `TextOutputStream.write(_:)`.

I feel like I must be misunderstanding what you're trying to say here, because 
I *think* what you're trying to say is that `TextOutputStream.write(_:)` is 
what decides whether to add the terminator, which is not only totally wrong 
 but doesn't even make any sense since there's a terminator parameter on 
`print` but none on `write(_:)`.

Brent Royal-Gordon

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