> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0171-reduce-with-inout.md
> • What is your evaluation of the proposal?

I support this proposal. It is easy to inadvertently write inefficient 
algorithms with reduce, and this provides a built-in solution. The parameter 
label is decent, and it differentiates the overloads nicely; that helps with 
readability. I think that the straight overload case becomes less readable; 
that happens to reinforce the compiler performance concern.

> • Is the problem being addressed significant enough to warrant a change to 
> Swift?

Yes. A lot of transformations can be implemented on top of ‘reduce’; this will 
help a class of those solutions be more efficient.

> • Does this proposal fit well with the feel and direction of Swift?

Yes. A functional algorithm that embraces mutation in the name of efficiency: 
so swifty.

> • How much effort did you put into your review? A glance, a quick reading, or 
> an in-depth study?

Participated in discussion, experimented with the concept.

Guillaume Lessard

swift-evolution mailing list

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