Hi Erica,

I think this proposal needs to address how allowing arbitrary identifiers to 
become declaration modifiers would work during parsing.  Custom accessgroups 
may not be in the same file - or even module - as the code they effect, meaning 

func myFunction() {}

cannot be parsed into anything reasonable until we’ve first found all of the 
visible accessgroup declarations.  It’s even worse when we do syntax-only 
parsing like we use for some IDE stuff (e.g. syntax colouring, code-folding). 
In that case we do not import any modules (not even the stdlib), and we are 
only looking at one file, not the full set of files in the module.


> On Apr 14, 2017, at 1:58 PM, Erica Sadun via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Pull request: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/pull/681 
> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/pull/681>
> Under the assumption that SE-0169 is adopted, Jeffrey B and I have been 
> brainstorming about what a follow-on might look like. We want to address 
> concerns that remain post-0169. Although this proposal is primarily additive, 
> we feel it might just squeak in under Swift 4's gate as it targets 
> potentially harmful language issues.
> We appreciate your feedback about the substance of the proposal. At this 
> time, we're not looking for bikeshedding on design details. We will welcome 
> that once the question of whether the proposal is sufficiently substantive is 
> settled.  
> Given the extremely limited timeline and the high volume of list traffic, 
> we're looking for specific concerns (or benefits) you see in this pitch 
> instead of a flurry of "+1" and "-1" responses . Our primary question regards 
> whether this is a suitable approach (it is strongly influenced by SE-0077) 
> and flexible enough to cover at least some outstanding concerns raised in 
> list threads over the past weeks.
> Thank you in advance for your feedback,
> -- Erica
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