The name of your module should be sfGuardAuth, not sfGuardUser.  Your
module effectively overrides the sfGuardPlugin's version, so it needs
to follow exactly the same directory structure as the plugin's.

On Apr 29, 6:08 am, Pierre Lecocq <> wrote:
> Hello people,
> I have a problem with the sfGuardPlugin.
> I installed it successfully, I plaed with its default version without
> any problem.
> But I wanted to customize it.
> In the documentation (readme of the plugin), it is written that if we
> want to change configuration / actions / templates, we have to create
> the module by simply creating a folder (not by the generators).
> So, I created a sfGuardUser folder in mu apps/backend/modules/
> I added a conf directory and then copied the original generator.yml in
> this folder.
> But if I change a simple value in the generator, it crashes.
> I just started by changing the "theme" value. From "admin" to
> "default".
> Here is the error:
> Fatal error: Class 'BaseSfGuardUserGeneratorConfiguration' not found
> I also tried to implement the actions.class.php (I adapted the include
> path, of course), but same error.
> I tried to delete the folder I created and copy the plugin User module
> whole directory, but same error.
> I tried 4 times from a brand new clean sandbox, and I am always stuck
> to the same step.
> I precise that at each step, I clear the cache and I also re-generated
> forms / SQL / ...
> Do you have an idea or a suggestion ?
> Or maybe the solution ?
> Thanks for your help.
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