
If you have always sfDoctrineGuardPlugin installed, take a look at
this file line 84 (savegroupsList method)


=> $this->object->link('groups', array_values($link));


2009/5/25 Campezzi <campe...@gmail.com>:
> Hi there!
> I'm getting started with sfDoctrineGuardPlugin and after doing a few
> tutorials, I started to implement it in one of my projects. I have
> created a registration form and embedded the Profile class form. So
> far, so good - whenever a new user registers, both the sfGuardUser and
> Profile objects get saved to the database and are correctly
> associated.
> Now, I have a "users" sfGuardGroup with a set of permissions (its id
> is 1), and I'd like to put all members who sign up via this
> registration form automatically in this group. My first idea was to
> override the save() method of the Profile model to do that:
> class Profile extends BaseProfile
> {
>        public function save(Doctrine_Connection $conn = null)
>        {
>                $ret = parent::save($conn);
>                $relation = new sfGuardUserGroup();
>                $relation->user_id = $this->sf_guard_user_id;
>                $relation->group_id = 1;
>                $relation->save();
>                return $ret;
>        }
> }
> However, when I try to add a new user through the form I get a SQL
> error:
> SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry
> '5-1' for key 'PRIMARY'
> ... where 5 is the id of the newly created sfGuardUser and 1 is the id
> of the sfGuardGroup I'm trying to add the user to. Of course, I
> checked the database and there are no other sfGuardUserGroup objects
> with the 5-1 key combination, hence it's not a duplicate record thing.
> I tried searching around, but found nothing about this error other
> than a few complaints about the save() method not being called on
> objects saved through embedded forms. It seems that is the issue here
> - I'm trying to create a many-to-many relation, but the user is not
> yet saved to the database when I try saving the relation, so the
> database throws an error because I'm adding a reference to an object
> that does not exist. However, if that is really the problem, isn't it
> weird that my profile actually has its sf_guard_user_id property set?!
> So, the 64.5 million dollar question: how do I get this to act like I
> expect it to do? :)
> >

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