
I'm developing my first web-application and I'm still RTFM (Reading
The Fabulous Manuals), but I need a little help with a form

For this application I'm using the Admin Generator.

The form contains 5 target fields: T1, T2, T3, T4, T5; every target
must be greater than the previous: T1 < T2 < T3 < T4 < T5.

But only T1 is required while the other targets can be empty.

If a target is empty all the next ones must be empty.

          T1= 100, T2= 200, T3=empty, T4=empty, T5=empty is valid,
          T1=100, T2=empty, T3=200, T4=empty, T5=empty is NOT valid.

I'm putting some code in lib/form/<model>Form.class.php:

class ListinoForm extends BaseListinoForm
  public function configure()
   $this->validatorSchema->setPostValidator(new sfValidatorAnd(array
(new sfValidatorSchemaCompare('T1',
sfValidatorSchemaCompare::LESS_THAN, 'T2'))));

but I don't know how to test if a field is empty and I'm afraid that
the resulting instruction will be very hard to read.

Any hint?



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