Massimiliano is right, but the right way or best paractices as it is
known tends to be a moving goal post. When we started work on one of
our large projects, embedded javascript (i.e. javascript on a link as
an onClick event) wasn't seen as odd or strange. Now, its considered
best practices to write Javascript that creates event listeners on dom
elements instead. When I first started web development, table-based
designs were the norm and taught at schools now CSS replaces that
logic and table based designs are seen (rightfully) as layout hacks.

My advice is just to try and keep clued up on this industry cos things
tend to move very quickly and development (web or desktop) is still
trying to find its feet and its "best" ways of doing things.
Ultimately, even if its development is ugly, your end users wont care
how its coded just that it works. "Best practices" are really only
there to make our lives as devs easier over the long term in assisting
us to write code thats easy to maintain and extend, hence the creation
of symfony <3

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 6:59 PM, Massimiliano Arione <> wrote:
> On 21 Apr, 15:14, Paul Burdon <> wrote:
>> Could you clarify what the 'proper' way is please.
>> Thanks.
> Of course.
> The proper way is to write html as if javascript wouldn't exist.
> Then, write javascript files that use the document load event to look
> into dom, modify the dom itself and add other events (that use ajax)
> cheers
> Massimiliano
> --
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Gareth McCumskey
twitter: @garethmcc

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