This is just a note to save someone a headache.

I couldn't get the propel 1.5 nested sets insert and add functions to
work. They wouldn't throw an error but on save the left, right and
level fields would blank and null values would be in the db. adChild,
iinsertAsXChild etc etc none of these worked.

After hours of tearing my hair out I've worked out that it was because
in my fixtures file I had started at level 1 for my root objects and
worked up.

MAKE SURE YOU ASSIGN LEVEL = 0 for your root objects, it all works
fine if you do this. Iif your root is level 1 then you don't get
errors or anything when you save and the read functions seemed to work
fine but it won't save the tree data.

If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to 
security at

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