Hey Tomasz,

this is normal - you have to tell Propel to also hydrate the I18N
classes via:
(example) CategoryQuery::create() -> joinWith('CategoryI18N') ->

I usually create a "withI18N" method on the internationalized query
classes for convenience.
Works like a charm and reduces everything down to one query.


On Dec 3, 1:23 am, Tomasz Fertacz <tomasz.fert...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Question is how to use i18n with sfPropel15Plugin. Because when I use
> standard not ClassNameI18NQuery but ClassNameQuery class, after I'm
> calling object it queries database for i18n attributes, so when i
> query 100 objects, it queries 100 times. Should it be like this? Am I
> doing something wrong?
> Tomek

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