Le 19/05/2011 12:12, scott a écrit :
I am really struggling to get the FOSUserBundle setup and working with
Symfony2 (beta1 ?!). I have included the bundle in both the AppKernal,
and the autoload files. I installed the standard edition of Symfony
and the most recent version of the Userbundle from git hub yesterday.
When I run app/console doctrine:schema:update the UserBundle tables
are not created as required. I have read various reports about the the
mapping information changing location however, from the notes I think
the UserBundle has reflected this. Just for clarity the bundle I have
has its mapping information in UserBundle->Resources->config-
doctrine, no metadata or orm folders.
Since I only have the UserBundle I have turned off auto mapping and
specified the FOSUserBundle mapping as shown below.

         driver:   %database_driver%
         host:     %database_host%
         dbname:   %database_name%
         user:     %database_user%
         password: %database_password%

         auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug%
#        auto_mapping: true
             FOSUserBundle: ~

Any help to get this bundle working again would be great.

As stated in the README of the bundle, it is in sync with the master branch. And the mapping location changed between beta1 and the current master. If you want to use the bundle with beta1, you need to get an older version of the bundle. But note that the forms were broken with beta1 and have been fixed after the mapping change so you cannot get a fully working version for beta1.

Christophe | Stof

If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to 
security at symfony-project.com

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