On Jun 6, 8:54 pm, PaulK <paulka...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone has experience with using Doctrine2 in combination
> with Symfony1. The company I work for has build an SF1&D1-based back end
> application, which I took part in. We have, in the meantime, started on a
> front end project, which uses Doctrine2, and would like to use the same
> model layer for both projects, as they both use the same databases. My
> question is: does it make sense to try to migrate to Doctrine 2, or will it
> take too much time to do so?
> As I said, both projects use multiple databases (+/- 12), each containing
> 50+ tables but with very similar schema's, which is part of the reason we
> want to have 1 model layer. For our back end application, we rely on the SF1
> admin generator (with lots of customizations) and we also make extensive use
> of Doctrine1 behaviours and pre/post save hooks.
> I am aware it used to be possible to be possible to use D2 in combination
> with SF1, but the only "official" blog post about this was posted in October
> 2009:http://symfony.com/blog/symfony-and-doctrine-2and another useful
> article is this one, altough it also seems to be outdated as 
> well:http://eatmymonkeydust.com/2010/03/using-doctrine-2-with-symfony-1-x-...
> Personally I think it's wiser to spend time on a full migration from SF1&D1
> to SF2&D2, but I could be wrong of course. I am still very unfamiliar with
> SF2, unfortunately.
> Any advise on this would be much appreciated!

I'm the author of the second blog post you mentioned. It's been quite
hard to justify spending much more time on SF1+D2 since riding the
Symfony 2 wave, but that said, we do still have a project that we are
maintaining that uses SF1 and D2.

The sfDoctrine2Plugin has not been updated for a while, in fact it is
frozen on a very old version of Doctrine - *however* we have recently
updated the above project to the latest version of Doctrine 2 and one
of my colleagues has supplied some patches to get the plugin up to
date - hopefully I will push them upstream some time this week.

As for whether you should do a full migration, I'm not sure about that
- I guess it depends a lot on the size of the task. I'm very tempted
to move one of our SF1+D2 projects to SF2+D2 as having the model in D2
is a real plus considering how well it works with SF2. However,
another project I am working with in SF1+D1 is a much harder decision
to migrate to SF2+D2 as it will require months of work... I still want
to do it... one day ;o)


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