Anton & Albert,

Please note that by providing the sample I was focussed on the length of
the message. I agree with Anton that introducing line breaks is *not* a
good idea. As I said, we have software that forwards Windows event log
data. Let me explain a little how it deals with it - I think this is
more or less a typical example in such cases.

As a matter of fact, we do have line breaks in Windows event logs. This
is absolutely valid in the Windows world, as the event system follows a
different paradigm (and I don't want to start a discussion on the good
and evil in that - let's simply use this is a fact ;)). The event system
has also other properties, like the event ID or source.

As such, there is no one-to-one match to syslog concepts. However, the
concepts are close enough that a mapping is possible. We do this mapping
by reformatting the event log entry. While reformatting, we remove line
breaks. As Anton said, if we would leave them in, that would screw up
almost all analysis processes. In essence, they are also not very
helpful, so there is no issue in formating them. So after our formatting
we have a "plain" syslog message whom's content is Windows-specific (no
big deal).

At the collector, that message can be stored like any other syslog
message. An analysis script can process it and find one message per
line. It is even helpful in reports, because multiple lines would
potentially screw those, too. Again, in reports missing line breaks
cause no readability issue (you may want to look at one possible example
report at - if you
look at the example report you will notice that oversize messages are
only very few).

So what is the essence of my long wording? I, too, think we should stick
with no line breaks inside the message. We will break a horrible lot of
things if we change this (btw: we have prooven this with the initial
versions of our software years back - before we filtered out the line
breaks - so my statement is based on actual experience ;)).


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