Based on Rainers text, the issue's/problems  of Chris, and the
expirence in implementing it. The following text is proposed to be
included in syslog-sign.

   The TAG is a string of visible (printing) characters excluding SP,
   that MUST NOT exceed 64 characters in length.
   The first occurrence of a SP (space) will terminate the TAG field,
   but is not part of it.
   It is RECOMMENDED to terminate the TAG with a colon (':'), which if
   used, is part of the TAG.

   The TAG is used to denote the sender of the message. And is
   RECOMMENDED to have the following syntax:

     TAG          =  full-stat-id  full-dyn-id ':'
     full-stat-id =  path path-sep progname
     full-dyn-id  = '[' proc-id thread-part ']'
     path         = VISUAL *
     path-sep     = (  '/'  |  '\'  )
     progname     = VISUAL *
     proc-id      = ALFANUM *  ; recommended: number
     thread-part  = ( EMPTY | thread-sep ALFANUM )
     thread-sep   = VISUAL     ; recommended: ",", or ':', or '.'
     EMPTY        = "" ; nothing!
     VISUAL       = ([a-zA-Z0-9...], excusing  '['

(hope I have the this syntax OK --please correct ALbert)

   The PROGNAME part is special, as it is frequently used by relays to
   determine the routing of a message.  As a note to implementors: it
   can be found by getting the visual part before the first occurrence
   of '[', and after the last '\' of '/' part of that segment.

   An example of a TAG is: (without the quotes)

   Systems that use both process-ID's and thead-IDs, SHOULD fill both
   the proc-id and the thread-part. For other systems it is
   RECOMMENDED to use the proc-id only.

   Receivers SHOULD, to be consistent with the format described in
   RFC3164, accept TAGs that terminate with a single colon, without a
   space following it. Then the colon is both the last character of
   that TAG, and the field separator with the next field (MSG).

ALbert Mietus
        Send prive mail to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Send business mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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