Mike and all:  Yes I am on the list.  Let me clarify my circumstance.  I have been a US citizen since age 5 when my parents became naturalized citizens, but hold dual citizenship because of the way that I acquired my US citizenship.  It is a peculiar position to be in, but that is the way it is.  I first competed for Jamaica in the 1967 Pan Am Games and thereafter.  However, I always travelled on my US passport, which was the only valid passport that I had.  There has always been this question as to what my citizenship was, but the fact of the matter is that I am and have been a dual national since 1953.  Who I competed for is another story.  I did however compete at the 1980 US Olympic trials, albeit unsuccessfully, in Eugene.
I hope this helps, or at least clarifies something.
...... And yes!  I am an avid lurker!!   ..... Byron Dyce

Mike and Barb Hubbard wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe Dyce had US citizenship when he broke 4 minutes.  I believe he was Jamaican.  Mr. Dyce, I noticed your name on a post to the list.  Am I correct?

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