I think it's actually: ${myCalendar.time}

Quoting Felix Velasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> try:
> <fmt:formatDate
>        value="${myCalendar.date}"
>        var="yyyymmdd"
>        type="date"
>        pattern="yyyy-MM-dd"/>
> that way you'd access the getDate method of the Calendar interface, that
> returns the equivalent java.util.Date instance
> -----Original Message-----
> From: otisg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 03 February 2004 13:04
> Subject: Formatting (Gregorian)Calendar instances?
> Hello,
> If I use java.util.Date with the following piece os JSTL, it
> works nicely.  However, I need to format an instance of
> (Gregorian)Calendar.  I used Google to try to find the answer,
> but  found nothing.
> <fmt:formatDate
>        value="${myDate}"
>        var="yyyymmdd"
>        type="date"
>        pattern="yyyy-MM-dd"/>
> Is there a way to format (Gregorian)Calendar instances with
> Thanks,
> Otis

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>

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